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Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Last year we set out to enrich the lives of 201 Batwa , known as Keepers of The Forest.

With sincerest gratitude, to our donors in the US, our wonderful Board of Directors in and from California, and those who have supported us, like Miles and Paige at Pacifica Films, and all those who came out to our first Rummage Sale and our fundraiser WINE DOWN, we had a MIRACULOUS FIRST YEAR! We opened Kisoro Sewing School for women who had no hope of making a living. We trained men in Carpentry and Brick making. We are now teaching basket making and soon our carving class will be underway. We leased land and, miraculously, were able to purchase land that will become home of the new community, with real housing for the Batwa. And, the Batwa ate food they planted and harvested - for the first time, ever. THANK YOU FOR OUR FIRST YEAR!

With immense gratitude, Kim Mowder, Founder of PLANT FRUIT.

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